The essay explores a specific aspect such as the training of the tutor teacher in Counseling for the professional supervision of the newly hired teacher.Based on the definition of the main characteristics and functions of thepractice of professional Counseling in the educational-training field, please specifyby the reference standards disseminated by the Regional School Office of the RegionLazio (academic year 2017-2018), it should be remembered that counselling, within theof the trial year of the newly hired teacher, consists of a meeting between two teachers - thecounselor (tutor) and the new employee – who, thanks to an oriented dialogue, they establisha quality relationship, in an atmosphere of listening, which favors identify, recognize and define any difficulties.It is also highlighted in the art. 12, paragraph 3 of Ministerial Decree 850/2015 the factthat the evaluation process of the newly hired teacher is entrusted in particularto a tutor teacher who, in order to perform this task, must be in possessionadequate cultural skills, proven teaching experience,strong ability to carry out tutoring, counseling and supervision functionsprofessional.The decisive role that development plays is thus clearly highlightedcounseling skills will have to gradually be covered in the training coursesinitial and in progress of the teacher and to this end the results of an exploratory survey are presentedon the expectations and training needs of tutor teachers for the development of an intervention project for the promotion of counseling skills centered on the use of context simulation tools.
Nel saggio si approfondisce un aspetto specifico come la formazione del docente tutor al Counselling per la supervisione professionale del docente neoassunto.In base alla definizione delle caratteristiche e delle funzioni principali dellapratica del Counselling professionale in ambito educativo-formativo, precisatedalle norme di riferimento diffuse dall’Ufficio Scolastico Regionale della RegioneLazio (a.a. 2017-2018), si ricorda che il counselling, nell’ambitodell’anno di prova del docente neoassunto, consiste in un percorso di incontro tra due docenti – ilcounsellor (tutor) e il neoassunto – che, grazie ad un dialogo orientato, instauranouna relazione di qualità, in un clima d’ascolto, che favorisce la capacità.di individuare, riconoscere e definire le eventuali difficoltà. Viene inoltre evidenziato nell’art. 12, comma 3 del DM 850/2015 il fattoche il processo valutativo del docente neoassunto viene affidato in particolaread un docente tutor il quale, per assolvere a tale compito dovrà essere in possessodi adeguate competenze culturali, di comprovate esperienze didattiche, dispiccata attitudine a svolgere funzioni di tutoraggio, counselling e supervisioneprofessionale.Si evidenzia quindi chiaramente il ruolo determinante che lo sviluppodelle competenze di counselling dovrà via via ricoprire nei percorsi di formazioneiniziale e in itinere del docente e a tale fine si presentano i risultati di una indagine esplorativasulle aspettative e le esigenze formative dei docenti tutor per lo sviluppo di un progetto di intervento per la promozione delle competenze di counselling centrato sull’utilizzo degli strumenti di simulazione dei contesti.
La formazione del docente tutor al counselling per la supervisione professionale: il rilievo della simulazione dei contesti
Patrizi, Nazarena;
The essay explores a specific aspect such as the training of the tutor teacher in Counseling for the professional supervision of the newly hired teacher.Based on the definition of the main characteristics and functions of thepractice of professional Counseling in the educational-training field, please specifyby the reference standards disseminated by the Regional School Office of the RegionLazio (academic year 2017-2018), it should be remembered that counselling, within theof the trial year of the newly hired teacher, consists of a meeting between two teachers - thecounselor (tutor) and the new employee – who, thanks to an oriented dialogue, they establisha quality relationship, in an atmosphere of listening, which favors identify, recognize and define any difficulties.It is also highlighted in the art. 12, paragraph 3 of Ministerial Decree 850/2015 the factthat the evaluation process of the newly hired teacher is entrusted in particularto a tutor teacher who, in order to perform this task, must be in possessionadequate cultural skills, proven teaching experience,strong ability to carry out tutoring, counseling and supervision functionsprofessional.The decisive role that development plays is thus clearly highlightedcounseling skills will have to gradually be covered in the training coursesinitial and in progress of the teacher and to this end the results of an exploratory survey are presentedon the expectations and training needs of tutor teachers for the development of an intervention project for the promotion of counseling skills centered on the use of context simulation tools.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.