Maremmani, Angelo Giovanni Icro
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 231
Totale 231
Nazione #
IT - Italia 231
Totale 231
Città #
Rome 228
Florence 3
Totale 231
Nome #
Is Trazodone Contramid Useful in Inducing Patients to Refrain from Using Cocaine after Detoxification, so Avoiding Early Relapse? A Case Series 7
It's time to admit the existence of a psychopathology of addiction 4
Clinica e Neuropsicofarmacoterapia del Disturbo Duale - parte terza: Clinica e terapia del Disturbo Duale con particolare riferimento ai pazienti affetti da Disturbo da uso di Eroina 4
Clinica e Neuropsicofarmacoterapia del Disturbo Duale - parte prima: La struttura psichica del disturbo da uso di sostanze 4
Convergent validity of five-dimension psychopathology of addiction: Relationships with the Tridimensional Personality Questionnaire 4
Item Reduction, Psychometric and Biometric Properties of the Italian Version of the Body Perception Questionnaire—Short Form (BPQ-SF): The BPQ-22 4
Clinica e neuro-psicofarmacologia del disturbo duale (disturbo da uso di sostanze / disturbi dell'umore) 4
A case of severe oral self-injurious Tourette's syndrome alleviated by pregabalin 4
Can the psychopathology specific to Substance Use Disorder distinguish between reward and relief craving? 4
The effects of agonist opioids on the psychopathology of opioid dependence 4
Addictive behaviours in Heroin Use Disorder patients. Correlation with heroin-craving patients' self-evaluation 3
Heroin addicts' psychopathological subtypes. Correlations with the natural history of illness 3
The psychopathology specific to Substance Use Disorder is able to discriminate between young people with and without Problematic Internet Use 3
A prospective study of psychopathology stability and changes after 3-month residential treatment in Italian Substance Use Disorder patients 3
Former Heroin-Dependent Alcohol Use Disorder Patients. Prevalence, Addiction History and Clinical Features 3
Opioid Treatment and Long QT Syndrome (LQTS): a Critical Review of the Literature 3
Contemporary Perspective on Addictive Behaviors: Underpinning Mechanisms, Assessment, and Treatment 3
METHADONE TREATMENT. Adverse Events During Methadone Treatment 3
Towards the future of the treatment of heroin addiction. New challenges/issues to be addressed 3
Natural history of addiction in psychotic heroin addicted patients at their first agonist opioid treatment 3
TEMPS-A[P] temperament profile related to professional choice. Differences between applicants to become a cadet officer in the Italian Air Force or Navy 3
Nalmefene: profilo clinico e real world evidence nel trattamento della dipendenza da alcol 3
Dual Disorder Heroin Addicts: Clinical and Therapeutical Aspects 3
Adult-Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder Symptoms Seem Not to Influence the Outcome of an Enhanced Agonist Opioid Treatment: A 30-Year Follow-Up 3
Convergent validity of five-dimension psychopathology of Addiction: Relationships with aggressive behaviour 3
Can the psychopathology specific to substance use disorder distinguish between recreational cocaine use and cocaine addiction? 3
Is the SCL90-based five-dimensional structure able to differentiate heroin use disorder patients with low and high benzodiazepine dependence symptomatology? 3
Nuove prospettive per l'utilizzo del metadone e nuove misure per la valutazione dei programmi metadonici 3
Substance Dependence Among Bipolar, Unipolar Depression and Psychotic Homeless: A Canadian National Study 3
Crime Issues in Substance Use Disorders: Need for a Medically-Based Algorithm 3
Non-medical Cannabis Self-Exposure as a Dimensional Predictor of Opioid Dependence Diagnosis: A Propensity Score Matched Analysis 3
Sodium Oxybate as Off-label Treatment for Anxiety Disorder: Successful Outcome in a Low-energy Anxious Resistant Patient 3
Alcohol use disorder and past heroin addiction. A successfully treated 'masked heroinism' patient 3
The impact of psychopathological subtypes on retention rate of patients with substance use disorder entering residential therapeutic community treatment 2
Prescription opioids (substitution medications and pain medications) in patients looking for Opioid Agonist Treatment in Northern and Southern Italy, using a 18-month survey methodology 2
The long-term outcome of patients with heroin use disorder/dual disorder (chronic psychosis) after admission to enhanced methadone maintenance 2
Intentional self-poisoning versus other methods of suicide in illicit drug users, according to gender 2
Children's DAT1 Polymorphism Moderates the Relationship Between Parents' Psychological Profiles, Children's DAT Methylation, and Their Emotional/Behavioral Functioning in a Normative Sample 2
Is the non-medical use of pregabalin related to reward/relief craving coupled to an unbalanced opioid system? 2
Challenges and Opportunities for the Use of Medications to Treat Opioid Addiction in the United States and Other Nations of the World 2
Remarkable Reduction of Cocaine Use in Dual Disorder (Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder/Cocaine Use Disorder) Patients Treated with Medications for ADHD 2
Self-presentation and health issues of anonymous heroin addicts asking for a free internet medical consultation 2
Do methadone and buprenorphine have the same impact on psychopathological symptoms of heroin addicts? 2
Dose determination in dual diagnosed heroin addicts during methadone treatment 2
The intentionality of fatal poisonings among illicit drug users, and predictors for intentional intoxication in Slovenia during the years 2002-2007 2
Psychopathological dimensions and addictive behaviours in Heroin Use Disorder patients 2
Differenze di genere nel disturbo da uso di eroina 2
Substance Use Disorder in Adult-Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder Patients: Patterns of Use and Related Clinical Features 2
Clinica delle dipendenze da sostanze. I farmaci e gli psicofarmaci prescritti in terapia 2
Psychopathology of addiction: May a SCL-90-based five dimensions structure be applied irrespectively of the involved drug? 2
Psychopathological symptoms of patients with heroin addiction entering opioid agonist or therapeutic community treatment 2
Pharmacotherapeutic strategies for the treatment of attention-deficit hyperactivity (ADHD) disorder with comorbid substance-use disorder (SUD) 2
Nalmefene in Alcohol Use Disorder Subjects with Psychiatric Comorbidity: A Naturalistic Study 2
Quality of life differential changes from psychopathological episodes through recovery in Heroin Addiction 2
Does cannabis, cocaine and alcohol use impact differently on adult attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder clinical picture? 2
La cannabis fra terapia e induzione di psicopatologia 2
Delineating the Psychic Structure of Substance Use and Addictions, from Neurobiology to Clinical Implications: Ten Years Later 2
Adult separation anxiety in patients with complicated grief versus healthy control subjects: relationships with lifetime depressive and hypomanic symptoms 2
Possible trajectories of addictions: The role of bipolar spectrum 2
Clinica e terapia delle condotte aggressive o violente nel disturbo da uso di allucinogeni 2
Successful long-term (3-year) treatment of gambling with naltrexone. A case report 2
Influence of substance use disorder on treatment retention of adult-attention-deficit/hyperactive disorder patients. A 5-year follow-up study 2
Clinical presentations of substance abuse in bipolar heroin addicts at time of treatment entry 2
Trattamento con oppiacei terapeutici e "Long QT-Syndrome". Revisione critica della letteratura 2
Personality profiles and aggressive behaviour of heroin use disorder patients compared with non-substance-use peers 2
Prominent psychopathological and clinical characteristics of Heroin Post- Traumatic Stress Disorder Spectrum patients during treatment 2
Cocaine use in opioid and alcohol substance use disorders 2
The long-term outcomes of heroin dependent-treatment-resistant patients with bipolar 1 comorbidity after admission to enhanced methadone maintenance 2
Psicopatologia del Disturbo da Uso di Sostanze 2
Temperamental traits of women applying for a type of job that has been characterized historically by male identity: the military career as case study 2
Current use of cannabis and past use of heroin as markers of alcohol and concomitant cocaine use disorder 2
The role of the opioid system in Eating Disorders. Perspectives for new treatment strategies 2
The Conceptual Framework of Dual Disorders and Its Flaws 2
Clinica e terapia delle condotte aggressive o violente nel disturbo da uso di cannabinoidi 2
Long-term y-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB) and disulfiram combination therapy in GHB treatment-resistant chronic alcholics 2
Trends in cigarette smoking among Italian substance use disorder patients 2
Symptomatological features of patients with and without Ecstasy use during their first psychotic episode 2
Relationships between addictive behaviours and dual disorders, as found in heroin use disorder patients at treatment entry 2
Modalità vecchie e nuove dell'utilizzo dell'Acamprosato 2
Temperamental traits and results of psychoaptitude tests in applicants to become a cadet officer in the Italian Navy 2
Disturbo di Panico ed uso di sostanze: Significato clinico e dinamiche psicopatologiche 2
TEMPS-Ap temperament profile related to professional choice: A study in 1548 applicants to become a cadet officer in the Italian air force 2
Psychopathological symptoms in detoxified and non-detoxified heroin-dependent patients entering residential treatment 2
Dichiarazione congiunta sui disturbi duali 2
Temperaments, melancholy and mania 2
Substance Use/Dependence in Psychiatric Emergency Setting Leading to Hospitalization: Predictors of Continuity of Care 2
Chronology of illness in dual diagnosis heroin addicts: The role of mood disorders 2
Sodium oxybate plus nalmefene for the treatment of alcohol use disorder: A case series 2
Who are Resistant Patients? Quality of Treatment and Disease Control 2
Early-readmission after agonist opioid treatment in five European countries drug addiction health policy challenge? 2
Ethnicity and specific psychopathology of addiction. Comparison between Slovenian and Italian Heroin Use Disorder patients 2
Is bipolar disorder associated with traumautic brain injury in the homeless? 2
Insight in dual disorder heroin addicts. Are they able to request adequate treatment? 2
Clinica delle dipendenze da sostanze. Il disturbo da uso di alcol: clinica e terapia 2
Use of Street Methadone in Italian Heroin Addicts Presenting for Opioid Agonist Treatment 2
Differential substance abuse patterns distribute according to gender in heroin addicts 2
Discriminant and convergent validity of TEMPS-A[P] correlation with MMPI and the emotional-affective state following a stressful situation 2
Aggressive behaviour and heroin addiction 2
Drug addiction: affective temperaments as risk factors 2
Anti-HCV treatment for opiate addicts: clinical and immunological issues 2
Totale 246
Categoria #
all - tutte 461
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 461

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2024/2025418 0 0 0 0 4 414 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 418