Bolcato, Matteo
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 302
AS - Asia 36
NA - Nord America 4
OC - Oceania 1
Totale 343
Nazione #
EE - Estonia 143
IT - Italia 91
LV - Lettonia 64
SG - Singapore 36
US - Stati Uniti d'America 4
NL - Olanda 3
AU - Australia 1
PL - Polonia 1
Totale 343
Città #
Tallinn 143
Rome 72
Giussago 6
Milan 4
Turin 4
Amsterdam 2
Bologna 1
Minneapolis 1
Warsaw 1
Totale 234
Nome #
Shared care plan: an extraordinary tool for the personalisation of medicine and respect for self-determination 61
Evaluation of immunity for mumps among vaccinated medical students 42
Acute obstructive jaundice management in emergency: Management, clinical and patient’s safety considerations regarding the use of the short observation unit 40
Health and Economic Impact of Atrial Fibrillation of Workers in Italy: Social Security Benefits 40
An unusual presentation of autoimmune encephalitis: a potentially dangerous clinical challenge 39
First dose of the bnt162b2 mrna covid-19 vaccine reduces symptom duration and viral clearance in healthcare workers 10
Take-home messages from the covid-19 pandemic: Strengths and pitfalls of the italian national health service from a medico-legal point of view 9
Seventeen-year Medical Professional Liability Experience in a Level III University Hospital 9
Shortage of plasma-derived medicinal products: what is next? narrative literature review on its causes and counteracting policies in Italy 8
Women Living with HIV in Italian Prison Settings: Results from the Gender-Specific ROSE Network 7
Patient blood management: The best approach to transfusion medicine risk management 7
The Difficult Balance between Ensuring the Right of Nursing Home Residents to Communication and Their Safety 6
A ghost Gallbladder. An unusual case of gallbladder agenesia from a clinical and medico-legal point of view 6
Guiding Principles for Surgical Pathways: A Tool for Improving Outcomes and Patient Safety 6
Patient Blood Management: A possible approach to anemia in pediatric patients/ Patient blood management: Un approccio possibile all’anemia anche nei pazienti pediatrici 6
Physician autonomy and patient rights: lessons from an enforced blood transfusion and the role of Patient Blood Management 5
Covid-19 pandemic and equal access to vaccines 4
Patient blood management implementation in light of new Italian laws on patient's safety 4
The refusal of medical treatment by the parents of a minor and the prevention of recourse to the tutelary judge: The case of blood transfusion/ Il rifiuto del trattamento sanitario da parte dei genitori della persona minore di età e la prevenzione del ricorso al giudice tutelare: Il caso della trasfusione ematica 3
The clinical legal medicine: a need for quality of care and patient’s safety. A single center five-year experience 3
Healthcare professionals and patient information: A fresh look from the recent Italian law on consent 3
Analisi e valutazione medico-legale di 1004 casi di responsabilità professionale in ambito sanitario 3
Strengths and shortcomings of medico-legal education in Italy: A national multi-centric survey 3
Mycobacterium Chimaera: Clinical and medico-legal considerations starting from a case of sudden acoustic damage 3
The state of knowledge of young Italian medicolegal doctors on the law of provisions for informed consent and advance treatment directives: a multi-centric survey two years after the enactment of Law 219 of 2017 3
Considerazioni medico-legali sulla mozione del Comitato Nazionale per la Bioetica sull’accanimento clinico nei confronti di bambini con limitateaspettative di vita/ Medico-legal considerations on the motion approved by the National Bioethics Committee on aggressive treatments in medical care of children with short life expectancy 3
Organizational strategies for the management of intravenous iron therapy in non-hospitalized settings: A safe opportunity to implement patient blood management in italy 3
HCV spread among female incarcerated population and treatment pathways to viral elimination in Italian prison settings: clinical perspectives and medico legal aspects 3
Editorial: Medico-legal aspects of clinical risk management and patient safety 3
The epidemic, the cure, the responsibility and the choices we never wanted to do/ L'epidemia, la cura, la responsabilità e le scelte che non avremmo mai voluto fare 3
Risk Management in the New Frontier of Professional Liability for Nosocomial Infection: Review of the Literature on Mycobacterium Chimaera 2
The professional training oe residents in legal medicine in clinical risk management state of the art and proposals for the new ministerail training plan/ La formazione del medico specializzando in medicina legale nell'ambito della gestione del rischio clinico: Stato dell'arte e proposte normative per i nuovi piani formativi 2
The protection of states of need in pediatrics/ La tutela degli stati di bisogno in pediatria 2
Delayed diagnosis of Wernicke encephalopathy with irreversible neural damage after subtotal gastrectomy for gastric cancer: A case of medical liability? 2
The potential lethality of caput medusae 2
Il ruolo medico-legale nell'accertamento del danno catastrofale 2
Nutraceuticals for peripheral vestibular pathology: Properties, usefulness, future perspectives and medico-legal aspects 2
Disabling Outcomes After Peripheral Vascular Catheter Insertion in a Newborn Patient: A Case of Medical Liability? 2
Valutazione medico-legale del danno biologico nella persona anziana. I risultati della consensus conference multidisciplinare 2
An emblematical case of first access in epilepsy while driving according to the italian law n. 41 of 23 march 2016 and a review of literature index 2
La responsabilità professionale medica nei minori. Uno sguardo medico-legale tra le ragioni della dottrina e quelle del cuore 2
Medico-legal and management issues in patient blood management era [Aspetti medico-legali e organizzativi nell’era del Patient blood management] 2
An unusual case of chronic cough: Professional liability in dentistry? 2
Proposal for an indicator of quality in the assessment of medical legal professional liability in healthcare | [Proposta di un indicatore di qualità nella valutazione medico-legale della responsabilità professionale in ambito sanitario] 2
Intention to be vaccinated for COVID-19 among italian nurses during the pandemic 2
The contribution of legal medicine in clinical risk management 2
Main Predictors of COVID-19 Vaccination Uptake among Italian Healthcare Workers in Relation to Variable Degrees of Hesitancy: Result from a Cross-Sectional Online Survey 2
An analysis of the social and economic costs of breast cancer in Italy 2
The new Italian law 219/2017: an extraordinary clinical tool in internal medicine 2
The motion of the Italian National Bioethics Committee on aggressive treatment towards children with limited life expectancy 2
Consulenti tecnici di ufficio e periti nei giudizi di responsabilità sanitaria 2
Is the Italian consent to transfusion really informed? A medico-legal analysis between old ghosts and new evidence 2
Guidelines and medical professional liability: a complex relationship in light of the new legislative updates 2
Proposal for the application of a quality indicator to medico-legal consultations in the field of medical liability 2
Rifiuto alla trasfusione ematica per motivi religiosi. Considerazioni medico-legali a margine di una recente sentenza 1
The new legislation on professional responsibility: What new changes in guidelines [La nuova legge sulla responsabilità professionale: Cosa cambia in punto di linee guida?] 1
Il contributo medico-legale nell'accertamento del danno catastrofale 1
Iron parenteral administration: an expert opinion on the assessment of fetal wellbeing 1
Protection of Prisoners with Mental Health Disorders in Italy: Lights and Shadows after the Abolition of Judicial Psychiatric Hospitals 1
Pharmacological abortion in a pandemic: An Italian medico-legal perspective 1
Medico-legal assessment of personal damage in older people: report from a multidisciplinary consensus conference 1
Il medico legale e le restrizioni imposte dal lockdown per la pandemia di covid-19: Un'occasione per implementare le modalità di smart working? 1
Organizational liability: new frontier of medical malpractice? Seventeen-year experience as a medico-legal observer 1
Organisational strategies for the safe management of intravenous iron therapy: a revolutionary tool for implementing Patient Blood management 1
The medico-legal assessment of aesthetic damage. A correlation analysis between experts and an operative proposal 1
Obstetrics-gynecology litigation: 17 years of medico-legal experience in professional liability watchdog 1
Health in prison: Does penitentiary medicine in italy still exist? 1
Totale 413
Categoria #
all - tutte 1.044
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 1.044

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2024/2025413 0 0 0 296 21 4 92 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 413