D’Agostino, Fabio
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 72
AS - Asia 48
NA - Nord America 9
SA - Sud America 7
Totale 136
Nazione #
IT - Italia 70
SG - Singapore 48
US - Stati Uniti d'America 9
BR - Brasile 7
NL - Olanda 2
Totale 136
Città #
Rome 59
Palermo 5
João Pessoa 4
Ashburn 2
Bologna 2
Hawaiian Gardens 2
Richland 2
Sorocaba 2
Niterói 1
Totale 79
Nome #
Professional Assessment Instrument (PAI) 11
An experience of field work learning for healthcare providers: new perspectives between disadvantages and critical issues 9
Association between health literacy and nursing care in hospital: A retrospective study 6
Sviluppo e implementazione di un sistema informativo infermieristico pediatrico in ambito ospedaliero: il PAI pediatrico 5
Cross-Mapping of Nursing Care Terms Recorded in Italian Hospitals into the Standardized NNN Terminology 5
Sintomas depressivos, qualidade de vida e apetite de pacientes com Insuficiência cardíaca hospitalizados 5
Data science trends relevant to nursing practice: A rapid review of the 2020 literature 4
A Dyadic Approach to Managing Heart Failure With Confidence 4
Data Science Implementation Trends in Nursing Practice: A Review of the 2021 Literature 4
Desenvolvimento de vídeos educacionais para controle da sede e autogestão da restrição hídrica em indivíduos com insuficiência cardíaca 4
A Serious Game and Negotiation Skills in Nursing Students: A Pilot Study 4
Development and content validity of educational videos on self‐management of fluid restriction and thirst for individuals with heart failure 4
The relationship between self care maintenance and self care management in heart failure: a structural equation modeling 4
A review of nursing diagnoses prevalence in different populations and healthcare settings 4
Translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the Clinical Care Classification system 3
Predictors of self-care behaviors in individuals with heart failure in Brazil 3
Self-care nel Paziente con scompenso cardiaco: studio comparativo tra ambulatorio per lo Scompenso, Day Hospital Cardiologico e Ambulatorio Generale di Cardiologia 3
Caregiver determinants of patient clinical event risk in heart failure 3
Well-being and academy efficacy challenges for studying away from home students: prioritizing inclusivity 3
Diagnostic features of SARS-COVID-2-positive patients: A rapid review and meta-analysis 3
Data Science Methods for Nursing-Relevant Patient Outcomes and Clinical Processes: The 2019 Literature Year in Review 3
International nursing students and clinical learning environments: A convergent mixed-methods study 3
Effectiveness of the Primary Nursing Model on nursing documentation accuracy: a quasi-experimental study 2
Perception of Utility and Efficacy of Implementation of TEC‐MED Model of Care for Frail Older People and Their Caregivers: A Qualitative Study 2
Can Educational Interventions Improve Osteoporotic Women's Adherence to Treatment? A Literature Review 2
Health Literacy in patients' clinical records of hospital settings: a Systematic Review 2
Relationships between depressive symptoms, appetite, and quality of life in heart failure 2
Enhancing nursing care through technology and standardized nursing language: The TEC-MED multilingual platform 2
Validation of the Work-Related Quality of Life Scale in Rehabilitation Health Workers: A Cross-Sectional Study 2
Reliability, Validity, and Empirical Dimensionality of the Minnesota Nurses' Perceptions of Nursing Diagnoses Scale Among Italian Nursing Students 2
Burnout Syndrome Among Master’s Degree Nursing Students Using a Compromising Negotiation Style Evaluated Through a Serious Game 2
Empowering Nurses Through Data Literacy and Data Science Literacy: Insights from a State-of-the-Art Literature Review 2
A nursing clinical information system for the assessment of the complexity of care 2
Bone care nurses and the evolution of the nurse's educational function: the Guardian Angel(®) research project 2
Improving the quality of nursing care through standardized nursing languages: Call to action across European countries 2
Data Literacy and Data Science Literacy for Nurses: State of the Art Literature Review 2
Exploring the Association between Complexity of Care, Medical Complexity, and Length of Stay in the Paediatric Setting Using a Nursing Minimum Data Set: A Study Protocol 2
Determinants of Heart Failure Self-Care Maintenance and Management in Patients and Caregivers: A Dyadic Analysis 1
Standardized Nursing Diagnoses in a Surgical Hospital Setting: A Retrospective Study Based on Electronic Health Data 1
Medication administration error prevention among nurses working in intensive care units: A secondary analysis 1
Definition and variables of complexity of nursing care: a literature review 1
Natural language processing and String Metric-assisted Assessment of Semantic Heterogeneity method for capturing and standardizing unstructured nursing activities in a hospital setting: a retrospective study 1
Relações entre sintomas depressivos, apetite e qualidade de vida em pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca hospitalizados 1
Prevalence of nursing diagnoses as a measure of nursing complexity in a hospital setting 1
Nursing diagnoses as predictors of hospital length of stay: A prospective observational study 1
Nursing diagnoses,interventions, and activities as described by a Nursing Minimum Data Set 1
Nursing Informatics within Health Systems – Global Comparison 1
Self-care confidence may be the key: A cross-sectional study on the association between cognition and self-care behaviors in adults with heart failure 1
Exploring the Impact of Medical Complexity on Nursing Complexity of Care in Paediatric Patients: A Retrospective Observational Study 1
Impact of a nursing information system in clinical practice: a longitudinal study project 1
MOTIVATional intErviewing to improve self-care in Heart Failure patients (MOTIVATE-HF): Study protocol of a three-arm multicenter randomized controlled trial. 1
Describing self-care in Italian adults with heart failure and identifying determinants of poor self-care 1
The nursing-led in-patient unit: a descriptive study of nursing care delivered 1
Development and Validation of a Computerized Assessment Form to Support Nursing Diagnosis 1
How comorbidity, self-care confidence and self-care behaviors interact to predict hospitalization in heart failure patients 1
Nurses' beliefs about nursing diagnosis: A study with cluster analysis 1
Psychometric evaluation of the Positions on Nursing Diagnosis scale 1
Development and validation of a case study to aid in the diagnostic reasoning of nursing students and nurses 1
Structural equation model testing the situation-specific theory of heart failure self-care 1
Nursing diagnoses and theoretical frameworks in neonatal units: a literature review 1
Enhancing the performance of predictive models for hospital mortality by adding nursing data. 1
Predictive factors of a prolonged length of stay in a community Nursing-Led unit: A retrospective cohort study 1
Psychometric Evaluation of the D-Catch, an Instrument to Measure the Accuracy of Nursing Documentation 1
Relationship between perceived social support and self-care of patients with heart failure 1
Valutazione del dolore e della qualità di vita nei pazienti sottoposti a impianto di SCS in un centro di terapia antalgica 1
Meta-Synthesis of the Needs of Women Cared for by Midwives During Childbirth in Hospitals 1
Totale 158
Categoria #
all - tutte 822
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 822

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/20244 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4
2024/2025154 26 0 0 15 10 9 94 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 158