Giannetta, Noemi
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 241
AS - Asia 58
NA - Nord America 11
OC - Oceania 1
Totale 311
Nazione #
IT - Italia 173
SG - Singapore 47
EE - Estonia 37
FR - Francia 20
US - Stati Uniti d'America 10
NL - Olanda 9
HK - Hong Kong 5
ID - Indonesia 2
PH - Filippine 2
RU - Federazione Russa 2
TH - Thailandia 2
MX - Messico 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
Totale 311
Città #
Rome 127
Tallinn 37
Lauterbourg 12
Cremona 7
Hong Kong 4
Bologna 3
Cesena 3
Montegranaro 3
Pollena Trocchia 3
Singapore 3
Ashburn 2
Milan 2
Morgantown 2
Nocera Superiore 2
Pisa 2
Quartu Sant'Elena 2
Treviolo 2
Verona 2
Brooklyn 1
Cardito 1
Mexico City 1
Palermo 1
Rimini 1
Totale 223
Nome #
Factors related to medication errors in the preparation and administration of intravenous medication in the hospital environment 47
Indagine conoscitiva sul concetto di competenza avanzata nella professione infermieristica 22
Experiences of healthcare providers from a working week during the first wave of the COVID-19 outbreak 14
Ethical challenges in acute and long-term care of the elderly: a scoping review 13
Gestione avanzata delle vie aeree. un'overview sull'intubazione orotracheale Airways advanced management. An overview about orotracheal intubation 10
Contact precaution procedures in healthcare facilities 9
Strumenti per facilitare il processo decisionale sulla modalità di somministrazione di infusioni in contemporanea in setting intensivi. Un'esperienza italiana [Instruments to facilitate the decision-making process on how to administer infusions simultaneously in intensive care units. An Italian experience] 9
Prevention of medication errors during intravenous drug administration in intensive care units. a literature review/ Prevenire l'errore nella somministrazione della terapia endovenosa in terapia intensiva: revisione della letteratura 6
Empowerment-Based Education in Urological Patients: A Scoping Review 5
L'infermiere in chirurgia robotica. uno studio fenomenologico 5
Infections and Smartphone Use in Nursing Practice: A Systematic Review 5
A worldwide bibliometric analysis of published literature on medication errors 5
Nurses' moral distress in end-of-life care: A qualitative study 5
Assistenza Infermieristica ed esiti sensibili. Unità operativa a gestione infermieristica: uno studio retrospettivo/ Nursing care and sensitive outcomes. Nursing management unit. a retrospective study 5
Telenursing Interventions for Patients With Cancer Receiving Chemotherapy: A Scoping Review 4
Smartphones’ impact on nursing performances: a cross-sectional multicenter study/ Impiego degli smartphones e Performance degli infermieri: uno studio multicentrico 4
La prescrizione infermieristica: quali prospettive in Italia? 4
Instruments to assess moral distress among healthcare workers: A systematic review of measurement properties 4
Gestione del rischio e dell'errore. Quali strategie? 4
Ethical Problems and Moral Distress in Primary Care: A Scoping Review 4
Il moral distress vissuto dagli infermieri di ricerca durante la sperimentazione clinica su soggetti vulnerabili: una revisione narrativa della letteratura [Moral distress experienced by clinical research nurses during the clinical trials on vulnerable subjects: a narrative review] 4
Violence versus gratitude: Courses of recognition in caring situations 4
International nursing students and clinical learning environments: A convergent mixed-methods study 4
The FRASNET study: identification of clinical and social factors of renal failure in an elderly population 4
Characteristics of registered clinical trials assessing strategies of medication errors prevention. An unusual cross sectional analysis 3
Can nurses' shift work jeopardize the patient safety? A systematic review 3
L'infermiere e la percezione del Moral Distress nella cura del fine vita nel paziente dializzato 3
Nutrition in patients with unilateral neglect 3
Health self-perception in patient with Crohn's disease: a web survey 3
The application of the Theory of Planned Behaviour to prevent medication errors: a scoping review 3
Gestione della comunicazione nel paziente enterostomizzato 3
Il setting domiciliare e gli errori terapeutici. nuovi paradigmi infermieristici 3
Well-being and academy efficacy challenges for studying away from home students: prioritizing inclusivity 3
How to improve educational behaviors for caregivers and patients having Central Venous Access Device (CVAD): a scoping review 3
L'accuratezza delle diagnosi infermieristiche: crossmapping in un'unità operativa a gestione infermieristica 3
Moral Distress of Intensive Care Nurses: A Phenomenological Qualitative Study Two Years after the First Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic 3
Frontline Involvement in Population COVID-19 Vaccinations: Lived Experience of Nursing Students 3
Impact of nursing students on the quality of care perceived by patients: a systematic review of the literature 3
Nursing students' experience of risk assessment, prevention and management: a systematic review 3
Comparison across 12 countries on knowledge, attitude, and behavior scores about medication errors in Intensive Care Units: an international study 3
The Use of mHealth in Promoting Therapeutic Adherence: A Scoping Review 3
Tackling the Italian emergency 2019-nCoV: nurses’ knowledge, attitudes and behaviors 3
Moral Distress in Community and Hospital Settings for the Care of Elderly People. A Grounded Theory Qualitative Study 3
Factors Influencing Generation Z Bachelor of Nursing Students’ Decision to Choose Nursing as a Career: A Pilot Study 3
Perioperative nutritional support or perioperative fasting? A narrative review 2
Educational intervention to improve the safety medication process: a review using the GRADE approach 2
Multidimensional assessment using a modified S.Va.M.A scale, a pilot study in patients aged 65 or older 2
Social determinants of Health and Google Trends: a worldwide infodemiological report 2
Perception of Utility and Efficacy of Implementation of TEC‐MED Model of Care for Frail Older People and Their Caregivers: A Qualitative Study 2
Le infezioni ospedaliere associate all'igiene delle unghie negli infermieri 2
Risvolti psicologici della pandemia sul personale infermieristico 2
Accuracy and knowledge in 12-lead ECG placement among nursing students and nurses: a web-based Italian study 2
Medication errors' causes analysis in home care setting: a systematic review 2
Moral Distress Scores of Nurses Working in Intensive Care Units for Adults Using Corley’s Scale: A Systematic Review 2
The prevention of medication errors in the home care setting: a scoping review 2
Pain management in ERAS approach for abdominal surgery: A narrative review 2
Medication Adherence in Chronic Older Patients: An Italian Observational Study Using Medication Adherence Report Scale (MARS-5I) 2
Home, Hospitals, Humans (HHH): una proposta di studio multidisciplinare per l'assistenza alla persona anziana sul territorio lombardo 2
Impatto della lingua dei segni sulla comunicazione per i pazienti pediatrici con tracheostomia 2
Management and treatment of taste and smell alterations in oncologic patients undergoing antitumoral therapy and radiotherapy 2
Sleep Quality and Medication Adherence in Older Adults: A Systematic Review 2
Medication errors in homecare setting: An Italian validation study 2
Accesso intraosseo in emergenza una tecnica salvavita poco usata 2
Googling Insomnia, Light, Metabolism, and Circadian: A Population Interest Simple Report 2
Medication Errors in Intensive Care Units: An Umbrella Review of Control Measures 2
A Phenomenological Approach to Medication Adherence in Elderly Patients: A Qualitative Study 2
Effect of Telenursing on Supportive Care Needs in Patients with Melanoma and Lung Cancer on Targeted Therapies: A Randomised Controlled Trial Study Protocol 2
Farmaci LASA: strategie per la prevenzione dell'errore da terapia [Look-alike, sound-alike drugs: Strategies for preventing medication errors] 2
One-week longitudinal daily description of moral distress, coping, and general health in healthcare workers during the first wave of the COVID-19 outbreak in Italy: A quantitative diary study 2
Risk factors and management of postpartum urinary retention: A scoping review 2
The Use of mHealth in Orthopedic Surgery: A Scoping Review 2
Elderly patients with multimorbidity in the home setting: umbrella review on therapeutic non-adherence causes 2
Valorizzazione del sistema tutoriale 2
Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behavior in the administration of medication in the home care setting: Cross-cultural Spanish adaptation 2
Perceptions and Expectations of Patients with Lung Cancer and Melanoma about the Telenursing Approach: A Phenomenological Study 2
Training Ethical Competence in a World Growing Old: A Multimethod Ethical Round in Hospital and Residential Care Settings 2
Medication administration error prevention among nurses working in intensive care units: A secondary analysis 1
Medication Errors in the Emergency Department: Knowledge, Attitude, Behavior, and Training Needs of Nurses 1
Management Strategies and Nursing Activities for Nutritional Care in Hospitalized Patients with Cognitive Decline: A Scoping Review 1
Levels of Moral Distress among Health Care Professionals Working in Hospital and Community Settings: A Cross Sectional Study 1
La valutazione della disgeusia nel paziente oncologico 1
Gestione della comunicazione nel paziente tracheostomizzato 1
Role of specialized nutrition for wound healing: a narrative review 1
The association between personality trait and the development of postoperative complications in enterostomized patients. Systematic review of literature 1
Smartphone distraction during nursing care: Systematic literature review 1
Non c’è cura dei pazienti senza cura degli operatori: conoscere e contrastare moral distress e burnout fra prevenzione e interventi strutturali 1
Management of chronic musculoskeletal pain in veterans: A systematic review 1
Stroke ischemico nell'anziano valutare la disfagia e prevenire la malnutrizione 1
Farmaci orfani: uno sguardo sulle politiche di produzione e ricerca in ambito europeo 1
Knowledge, Attitude, and Behaviour with Regard to Medication Errors in Intravenous Therapy: A Cross-Cultural Pilot Study 1
Infodemiological patterns in searching medication errors: relationship with risk management and shift work 1
Nursing summary: designing a nursing section in the electronic health record 1
Risk of medication errors and nurses' quality of sleep: a national cross-sectional web survey study 1
Measuring knowledge, attitudes and behavior of nurses in medication management: cross-cultural comparisons in Italy and Malta 1
Totale 350
Categoria #
all - tutte 1.205
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 1.205

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/20241 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
2024/2025349 83 0 0 67 28 29 122 20 0 0 0 0
Totale 350